Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Princesses Wear fishing Boots - 5 WACKY REASONS TO FISH WITH YOUR KIDS!

Opening day of trout season
As a kid I grew up fishing with my father.  I loved every second of it.  Little did I know at the time that we were actually fishing to make ends meet!  I love the story about my mother and father deciding whether they would by a loaf of bread or a dozen clam worms to go fishing with.  At the time, on a good day, you could go out and catch a bucket full of flounder, which is really excellent eating.  We decided to take the gamble and get the worms.  We brought home dinner in the form of a five gallon bucket full of flounder and had a great time doing it!  Those were the good old days.  I also love the story my father tells about taking out one of his best friends and me to fish one day in a small rowboat on a bitter cold day.  After the first hour his buddy was complaining about how cold he was.  We ignored him as long as we could.  Finally my dad pulled up the anchor and dropped his butt off on shore.  We went back out and fished for a couple more hours!  We loved pulling in those fish but we also loved the time together.  Sometimes it would be quiet and sometimes we would chat sparsely while concentrating for the plunk of the dobber or the tug on the line.  Pure bliss!

Here are 5 reasons I love to fish with my own girls.

1.    It teaches your kids to be patient.  Time away from the hustle and bustle of todays life is like letting the batteries recharge on kids. The single mindedness of standing on the shore and watching your line intently waiting for a bite is just great for kids that have way to much stimulation in their lives.  Imagine fishing without a Wii!

2.  I love to fish!  I, like my father, am in love with all of my hobbies.  As a kid I did everything my father did.  He did the things that he loved and he gave me life long passions for so many things that we did together.  Fishing was one of those things.  I hope that my daughters will continue to enjoy my hobbies with me!

Yes this knucklehead is a goof ball like her father!
3.  Talking together.  In between baiting hooks, untangling lines, removing hooks from trees etc.. we have a lot of time to talk.  The quietness that fishing requires doesn't stop us from talking quietly about all manner of things.  This quiet time together is when a kid and their dad can really learn about each other, enjoy each others company, and even goof off!

Papa Mario!
4.  Your Papa loves you for it!  My 93 year old grandfather Mario loves trout more than most things on this earth!  Bringing him those fish is like bringing him gold.  I think it is important that my kids enjoy sharing their catch with their great grandfather and seeing his reaction gives a renewed sense of accomplishment in their catch!

A hen of the woods found by me
and the girls
5.  Self sufficiency.  Fishing adds another layer of being able to survive off the land when need be.  I think that too many people in our society have become complacent in learning the arts that allow us to survive off the land.  My daughters are more aware of the edible wild plants that are available in the wild than 99% of the people in this country.  Somehow that makes this meat head of a dad happy and proud!

Happy Fishing!

Wacky Dad

1 comment:

  1. Man, does that bring back memories.

    It's true, it was a dozen worms, or a pound of hamburg to be straight, but those were tough times in our life, when I had just bellied-up a business and the wolves were at the door.

    Never went bankrupt though, and that was surely an option. I'm dammed proud of that. Sold out and went back to pay creditors that never thought they'd see any of the money that I owed them. People don't do that shit these days; it's bankruptcy and screw them all.

    I remember that day well, you were 2 years old. I kept baiting one of two rods and giving it to you to "hold" it for me. Lo and behold, the rod you were holding hand a fish on it and by the time you got it in I had another rod baited and ready for you to "hold."

    When I look back on life it's the toughest times that are the most memorable and the times that we pulled closer as a family.
