What in hells bells has this country become? What kind of man, any man, would stand and watch someone drown when they had the means to try to help him? All they had to do was put on a life jacket and swim out to the guy and they might have saved his life. What the hell? I just don't get it. As a former Marine I am accustomed to following orders. I understand a rank structure and rules. By the same token we were trained to use our good sense when certain situations arose. If an order no longer makes sense in a certain scenario it is time to adapt and overcome. To hide behind a layer of bullshit and say that we were following an order not to enter the water reeks of cowardice. I am really perplexed by this whole situation. I am of the opinion that any person on that beach should be fired for stupidity and negligence, and also any person who was in a supporting role such as the mayor, chief of police, fire chief, who made decisions that led to inaction in this case should be fired. It is an embarrassment to live in a country where such horseshit can occur. Oh yeah and by the way - they are changing the rule - no shit!
Pissed Off,
Wacky Dad