Tonight was really a special night. My daughter Abby sang in her spring music concert. It is the culmination of a whole year of voice lessons and practice. I was really blown away by Abigail and her peers tonight. What a bunch of talented young ladies and men. I am not always the type that goes in for music and theater, but when it is good I really enjoy it. Except for the sweaty five year old bouncing on my lap for an hour and a half I would have been content to listen further.
I am totally impressed by the level of awe all of these kids hold for their teacher
Phoebe Madden. She really is an incredible singer and teacher. Her fantastic show tonight was proof positive. Of course I'm here mostly to brag about my own daughter! Abigail played three roles tonight. She sang her own solo, which included a small acting piece, she accompanied her friend, and it just so happens that she wrote the lyrics and the music for the song she accompanied.

Now I don't know much about music, but I know enough to know that a kid who can pull that all off is got something going for her. The thing is that Abby seems to do it all with such ease. She really enjoys every second of it, and I am so happy to see her truly in her element enjoying herself so much. God knows she doesn't get it from me. I'm afraid to even go near a stage! Here is a video of Abby performing "Wouldn't It Be Lovely". Sorry for the small aspect ratio - Abby's dad can't remember which way to hold his phone while taking video..ughh.
To my Abby, I love you, I am so proud of what you can do, and with how well you hold it all together with so much grace and poise. I am truly humbled to be your father.
Your Wacky Dad