Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Boxed Wine Really Is Good Says NY Times!

Vindicated!  There was a big article in the New York Times about boxed wine today and they were very complimentary of my favorite!  It even made the top ten!  Look for yourself if you don't believe me!  New York Times Article!

Would you let this guy pick out your next wine purchase?

I am not exactly a sophisticated connoiseur of wine.  I don't know what in the hell bouquet, dry, sweet, and all of that other fancy-dancy stuff means.  But I am here to tell you - if there is a fairly cheap wine, and it tastes good, I can sniff it out.  I love to sample lots of different bottles.  I start at the low-mid range of the pay scale and try all of them.  Surprisingly I have found many wines that I enjoyed that were relatively inexpensive.  In some cases, in a newly discovered brand, I would notice that over time as the brand caught on the prices would rise.  When this happens I move on to another search.  I find this to be a highly enjoyable way to sample many different brands and varieties of wine.  One of my first
wines that I fell in love with is Torresella Pinot Griot.  Again I don't know all of the names but I found this to be a really good bottle of wine for the money.  I drank quite a few bottles of this but noticed the price start to rise a bit as it caught on.  The search was on again!  Mommy's Time Out.  This was a nice tasting Pinot Grigiot wine and I believe I started buying it at 2 for $12.  Damn good wine for the money.  Eventually it went up a bit but it is still a great bottle of wine for the money and your wife will get a kick out of the name.  I like to bring it home when I know Cathy has had an exceptionally bad day.  Time for a time out!  Also a favorite of mine is Cellar No. 8 Merlot.  Very nice for the money.  Don't look for fancy terms from me - if your too cheap to take a chance on a $7 bottle of wine go read another blog!
     Next I got intrigued by the whole box wine phenomena.  It was first recommended  to me by my old buddy Billy.  If anyone knows his cheap booze it's Billy.  Anyway I went out and bought a box of Black Box Merlot.  I was skeptical at first but was soon won over by it's solid taste and consistency.  There was no bad aftertaste, no hangover, no "Ripple" or "Boone's" hangovers.  Just good product at a fair price.  Black box is about $19 for the equivalent of 3 bottles of wine.  Then I took a little turn to the dark side.

One night my 93 year old grandfather shows up with a box of "Almaden Mountain Burgundy".  This is like $12.50 for the equivalent of 5 bottles.  Definitely some bang for your buck!  My grandfather after testing out the black box and the new "Mountain Burgundy"  declared "I myself find this a more satisfying wine than the Black Box".  Keep in mind that this guy grew up in the depression with bathtub wine.  Well somehow I got hooked on the stuff and the price.  I always had a box on the top of the fridge and turned the handy little knob whenever I wanted a glass.  Heck it lasts forever when it's a five bottle equivalent!  Then one day I had a bottle of Cellar No. 8 and forgot what I was missing.  The Almaden actually wasn't all that satisfying!  Sorry Papa!  The problem was though, that I got accustomed to paying for the cheap box and not the bottle.  The search was on again for the "perfect box wine" - and this time I have delivered for all of my blog readers out there!  This stuff is hands down the best box wine I have had to date, and I stand by it 100%!  It is called Bodegas Osborne Seven, a Spanish Varietal.  At $16.99 a box and a 4 bottle equivalent this stuff is hands down the best box wine I have had and honestly trumps most bottle wines in its class as well.  I have to say that the octagonal box was what captured my imagination, but the wine inside is delicious!  I am extremely happy with this wine and will continue to buy it until the price starts to rise!  Once it hits $19 the search begins again!  What a way for a cheap skate to sample all kinds of fun wines and have a great time with it!  Drink up and please comment on your experiences with my favorites!


Wacky Dad     
P.S.  This is about as sophisticated as my dumb ass gets - don't expect it again any time soon!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meatime Reverse Psychology!

Ever struggle getting your kid to eat?  I have to say the reverse psychology method really works incredibly on my 3 year old Mia, and has worked on all 3 kids.  Here is a quick video of how it's done!

It Doesn't get much easier than that folks.  Sorry about her eating habits - she takes after her mother! ; )

Happy Dinner,

Wacky Dad

Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome To Heckle A Husband!

I have just started a new blog called Heckle A Husband. While Wacky Dad will continue to be my blog about my personal life, Heckle A Husband is a blog that gives women/moms out there a place to come and vent about your husbands to another husband! I thought this would be a fun idea, and I don’t know of any other sites out there that are doing it. Basically I am going to be the hit man for your hubby when he’s in the dog house. I have been married to my wife for 16 years, and we have known each other since I was 10, so I do have some knowledge about how to make a marriage work. I also have 3 daughters 10 and under, and a dog so I have a good sense of the dynamics that most of us face daily. I have big shoulders ladies, but I will bite back if your old hubby seems to be on the right side of the argument. Of course all in good fun! I’ll be posting on a daily basis about what might be contentious subjects to all of us who live the married lifestyle. I am really excited about this idea, and am looking forward to your many fun, mean, and venomous comments. Whatever you might want to throw my way is welcome. Of course all of you guys out there are welcome to come and peruse the site – just beware! Have fun with it everyone. I welcome your suggestions since this is a new blog topic to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wacky Tax Plan - Exercise Watts = Tax Dollars Saved

Ok, you might all think I'm crazy but here is what I came up with while riding my bike yesterday.  In this day and age of more "universal" health care, I thought that this might be a really good idea.  We all know that there is a corresponding decrease in health issues with a proportional increase in exercise.  Here is my thought.  We should be given a tax break based on the amount of watts we create in a gym or on our own accord.  The government could provide watt meters for those who want to participate in the program.  The more watts you create, the more tax dollars you save.  I am sure it would be an easy matter to find the correlation between the amount of health care savings an individual would earn based on his/her watt output at the gym, running, etc.
Watts For Dollars!
Is this not genius?  It would reward folks for working to keep their bodies in great shape, thus lowering their need for health care.  Wouldn't this make the idea of universal health care more palatable, while encouraging the populace to maintain themselves physically?  It is a win-win.  Also national productivity would increase due to the beneficial effects of exercise on the the economy of an employee.  I really think this is a simple but effective way to solve many problems our country faces.  Stress levels would decrease, depression levels would decline, obesity would decrease, the benefits of a program like this would be countless.  The watt meters could be built and distributed by the unemployed, thus giving them a new skill and keeping them gainfully employed until they were able to find jobs.  I'd love your opinions on this idea.  Does this have any merit or am I losing my mind?  Please comment to give me your thoughts.


Wacky Dad