Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Costantino Women Hijack My Dad Blog!

My editor in chief!  Dang thats a good looking editor!
I have a peculiar situation in my household.  I am pretty sure that my wife needs a blog of her own.  She has taken to following my Twitter and Facebook pages very closely (ie. Phone-"ring ring"...I answer... Wife-"so and so just mentioned you. cool."), and she has even annointed herself the editor in chief!  What in hell does that mean?  We're talking about a blog that has been in existence for 6 months and has earned me a total of about $5 through random advertisement clicks.  Not exactly a cash cow!  I hope she isn't looking for any big money with a title like that.  Maybe a slap on the ass or something, but no dough!

Creativity Department!
Actually I am really thrilled to have my wife on as a team member.  I also have recently added my daugher Abigail to the "payroll".  She is my new "idea person".  I get a lot of writers block.  Abby is giving me 3 ideas a day to help out with this problem as the new head of the creativity department.  Yesterdays post about Ailey, was Abby's idea.  She told me she wanted a job - so I put her to work on the blog.  Again I have no way to pay her except in lunch money, kisses, etc...

I don't know why but this picture seems appropriate.
So where does that leave me as a blog writer.  I don't come up with the ideas, and my damned grammar is so bad that after my wife fixes all of my mistakes I might as well have let her write the damned post!  I guess my only purpose here is to lend my title of "dad" to the project and continue to put my personal spin on things as I see fit.  Once again the women in my life have trumped me - and that is something that I am willing to live with, as long as the call me husband and dad!


Wacky Dad


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