1. I have been up past midnight for a solid month to please the 3 loyal blog readers that I have - My wife, my father, and my dog (the dog is illiterate but tries to please me - man's best friend and all). I feel like a vampire!
2. My wife thinks I am cheating on her with 75 mom bloggers that I am following on Twitter and Facebook. Little does she know they don't even know who the hell I am...Herein lies the problem!
3. All of my buddies wonder why in the hell I am following 75 mom bloggers on Twitter and Facebook. How do you answer that question when your buddies all think your a tough guy?
4. The word blog is just plain dumb. I should be ashamed to be a part of anything called a blog. What in the hell does blog mean? I don't even want to know. Forget it. Crap.
5. I am supposed to be wacky - I don't feel wacky tonight - I feel like someone ran me over with a damned truck.
6. I'm getting hemorrhoids from sitting in this damned computer chair every night and I am getting fat and I'm already ugly!
7. I am ashamed to say that I know what Quora is. Do any of you even know what in the hell Quora is?
8. I actually caught myself being interested in a mom blog the other day. Something about the ins and outs of mommy fashion - I might have even signed up for a free bra giveaway. Oh Crap!
9. I am one of two guys on Bloggy Moms. The other guy was there first though. I have become a gigolo to promote my blog in any way possible. No shame no gain I suppose!
10. I actually know what a hashtag is. I used to think hashtag was something you rolled in paper...All is lost.
Ohhhh I just can't resist the "Publish Post" button. Oops I did it again!
Wacky Dad
AKA Eric Costantino
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