Thursday, December 30, 2010

10 Reasons To Ski With Your Kids

Over the years skiing has become an integral part of our family.  While some dread the winter, we wait with bated breath every year to see if mother nature will bring us the snow conditions that we dream of.  This year has started with a bang with Cannon Mountain receiving over 6' of snow in December!  Cannon is our mountain of choice for many reasons.  Trust me when I say that Cannon is hands down the best area in the northeast to ski with your family.  Here are the 10 reasons that Wacky Dad thinks skiing with your kids is great for the family!

1.  Exercise - many kids become too lethargic during the winter months.  Skiing offers an 8 hours of exercise for every ski day you enjoy.  It is the best type of exercise because it is fun!

Mia Skiing at age 2 - we start them young!  
2.  The lift ride - riding up the lift gives you a chance to really connect with your kids while your enjoying something together.  For the 5 minutes we spend on each lift ride we talk about our next run, tell stories (mostly about dumb things I have done in the past), and quietly crack on some of the "Joeys" we see skiing down the mountain.  A "Joey" is simply someone who has absolutely no business being on a set of skis and they make that clear to the world with their style and grace!

3.  Winter is boring without outdoor activities - what else are you going to do?

Abigail at Bodefest 2010
4.  Toughness - skiing can instill a sense of toughness in your kids.  Bundling up against the cold and surviving multiple runs on zero degree days teaches your kids that they can thrive in a tough environment and still have fun.  Abby and I both remember her taking a top to bottom run on a bitter cold day that had most kids and adults lurking in the lodge for most of the day.  She was cold at the bottom but I made sure she knew that she had toughed out conditions that most people couldn't handle.  She is still proud of that one run.

Ailey at Bodefest 2010
5.  Meeting new friends - when you ski at family area like Cannon Mountain you become a part of that mountain's community.  Cathy, myself, and the kids have a whole set of skiing buddies we look forward to seeing every year.  Some of the relationships have even brought us together for summer activities as well.  Getting your kids together with other kids that all share a common passion for sport is a great experience for them.

6.  Building a sense of independence - For kids it is a big deal for them to go out and ride the lift alone and ski parts of the mountain on their own with friends.  Getting away from mom and dad for a while is a good thing for them and us!

7.  Coordination - skiing well incorporates a lot of different timing skills.  Skiing is great for kids balance and coordination and this sense of accomplishment makes other sports and activities seem less daunting.  For Example you might hear your kid say "If I can ski Zoomer (a tough trail at Cannon), than I can ride a bike!" 

Abby and Ailey meet Bode Miller - Born and raised at Cannon
8.  Living together in a small space - We get a seasonal rental every year near the mountain.  It is really bare bones - a 2 bed motel room with a little fridge and microwave, but it is affordable.  With 3 kids and a dog this is pretty tight but we manage to make it fun and we learn to live together in relative peace and harmony in this little domain.  I think my kids benefit from this by knowing you don't need to live in a great big house to survive. 

 9.  Learning together.  As skiers we are all always trying to improve on our style and technique.  Skiing affords us a rare opportunity to learn and perfect a physical activity as a family unit.  We share pointers, talk about how we looked on a particular run, etc.  My daughters are becoming such good skiers that dad and mom can actually take lessons from them!  When a kid becomes your teacher he or she feels a real sense of accomplishment!

The view from Cannon on a spectacular day!
10.  Having fun together - This is the most important of all of the reasons to ski with your kids.  We have a total blast every day we spend on the mountain - and we do that as a family.  When it comes down to it the best things in life happen when your with your family.  Adventuring, playing, and discovering natural beauty with your kids on such an open playing field as a ski area makes for awesome fun and great memories!

I am looking forward to spending a great winter enjoying the incredible fun that awaits!  Thank God for the seasons!

Eric Costantino
AKA Wacky Dad   

Monday, December 27, 2010

Papa Mario On Heaven - The Hereafter!

The Hight Test
That Papa Loves
My grandfather - known as Papa Mario to me, is 93 years old.  Papa is my mother's father and is definitely the true patriarch of the family.  He is an amazing man.  He still lives alone, still drives, reads without glasses, and can put red wine away with the best of us!  One of the best parts of spending holidays with the family is hearing Papa's stories and opinions on things.  He has lived through so much time that his perspective on things is often worlds away from the way we view things today.  One thing that he has been consistent on through my whole life has been his view on Heaven - or as he calls it the "Hereafter".  Watch this video for a good laugh!

After listening to this for my whole life catching this on video on my new Flip Video camera (thanks Cathy!) was a real treat.  Papa I love you.  You are one funny man!

Your Grandson, 

Eric - AKA Wacky Dad 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sledding Before The Blizzard of 2010

Well we had our white Christmas at the Costantino Residence and we finally shut down snowmaking operations this morning.  Now mother nature is kicking in and it looks like we are all in for a treat!  Nothing like a good old fashioned blizzard to spice up vacation week for the kids.  We got some pre-blizzard sledding in this morning and shot some video while we were at it.

  After today it looks like we won't need to make snow for a while but we have a great base laid down and will be sledding on Brook Hill for months to come!  Gotta love this weather!  For all of you skiers out there if you're heading to New Hampshire for vacation be sure to check out Cannon Mountain.  They are having an incredible season and have recieved over 4 feet of snow in December alone!  Hope all of my readers out there had as great of a Christmas as I did.  A blizzard is just the icing on the cake!  Bring it on Snow Miser!    

Santa delivered 3 of these little beauties to our house this Christmas.  I was like a kid in a candy store riding this thing today and so were the kids.  I even had Mia on it - she'll be 3 in February!

Friday, December 24, 2010


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a Meathead was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Santa soon would be there.

The rug rats were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Home Made Snow danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long bloggers’s nap.

When out near the snow maker there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and fell on my ass.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a tangled up sleigh, and eight angry reindeer.

With a livid old driver, all covered in snow,
I knew in a moment it was St. Nick - Oh no!
More pissed off than snakes, his coursers they came,
The Elf Meathead whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on Donner and Blitzen!
Untangle yourself from that snow maker hose! Please hurry and get your ass out of that snow!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away now!"

They shook off the snow, the compressed air, and water,
and finally took off which was still quite a bother.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and the Fat Meathead too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The stamping and pawing of sixteen angry hooves.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney the mad Meathead came with a bound.

He was dressed in wet fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all covered with ice and with soot.
The bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
Were snow covered and smashed, a really sad sack.

His eyes-how they squinted! his dimples no fun!
His cheeks were like roses, from the spraying snow gun!
His droll little mouth was drawn up in a scowl,
And he looked over at me and said go get me a towel.

The stump of a pipe was all smashed in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a great big beer belly,
That shook when he toweled off, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, one pissed off old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A twinkle in his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had something to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
he poured a bucket of poo on the floor like a jerk .
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He shuffled to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, deer poop raining down like a missile!
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all,
never make snow on this night!"

I gave him the bird as he flew to the right

rhode island snow

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Today's fake chicken recipe is brought to you by a guest chef and new dad blogger Brad Ayres!  His new blog A MODERN DAY DAD is taking the dad blog world by storm!  Need a last minute party dip?  Check this out!


2 - (8 ounce) packages cream cheese softened
1 - fake chicken pulled apart and shredded
1 - cup ranch dressing 3/4 cup red hot sauce
shredded cheddar cheese - you decide how much!

  1. Mix cream cheese, ranch dressing, and red hot sauce.
  2. Fold in pulled/shredded chicken.
  3. Spread mixture into pie plate sprayed with Pam.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
  5. Add cheddar to top and bake an additional 10-15 minutes.
  6. Serve hot with Frito scoops.

Damn that boy actually sounds like he knows what he is doing!  You see Brad is a younger dad and I like to bust his chops!  All I can say Brad is thank you for getting me out of writing another recipe because this whole 7 days of recipes thing is killing me!  I am a snow maker, backyard sugarer, obsessive bike rider etc - the whole Iron Chef thing is a stretch!!

Brad uses words like mix, fold, bake, and Pam!  He is so damn sophisticated!  I guess that is why he is called a A MODERN DAY DAD and not a Wacky Dad!  I am still much more entertaining than he is, so even though I suggest you read his blog, mine will always be your favorite!  By the way Brad and I are friends and that relationship is mostly built on busting each others chops so don't think I am bashing him (even though I really am)!  Love you Brad!

Merry Almost Christmas,

Iron Chef Eric

Wednesday, December 22, 2010



1.  Buy 1 fake chicken.  My girls call the precooked rotisserie chicken you can buy at the store fake chicken!  Whatever you call it go buy a fake chicken.

2.  Get some carrots and celery to throw it in the soup.  Also some spinach is good too.  Get a dozen eggs.  Also grab a couple of large containers of College Inn Broth.  Grab 1 lb of mini mac pasta too.

3.  Get back in your car and bring it home.

4.  Go into your house and put it on the counter.  Scratch your head and wonder why you have to do this....

5.  Strip off all meat and cut it up - if it doesn't choke you then the size is right.

6.  Pour the broth into a large pot and put on med-low.  Men this is not a time for speed cooking - take it slow.

7.  Put the chicken in the broth.  Add some salt and pepper - a little at a time until it tastes good.  Add a little garlic powder too.  Don't add too much at once or you will screw up the whole thing!  Add some cut celery and carrots into the pot.  Let it simmer until the veggies soften up.  You have to keep watching it.  Men don't start watching the game and screw it up..

8.  Boil some water and cook the mini mac al dente.  If you don't know Italian that means a little on the chewy side.

9.  This is my favorite part - if you feel like it hard boil a few eggs, dice them and throw them in the broth!  This makes it really pop!

10.  Throw some diced spinach in rig


t at the end for color and nutrition and simmer for a couple of minutes.  Don't ask me what the nutrients are - if it worked for Popeye then it is good enough for me.

11.  Dump the cooked mini mac into the broth.  That is it!

12.  Serve and enjoy - you will be the most popular guy in the house (I am the only guy in my house so it's easy)  

*Don't forget to leave them mess for your wife.  This is an important step!

*Just put the chicken carcass on the floor because by hook or by crook the dog will get it anyway!


Iron Chef Eric

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



1.  Buy 1 fake chicken.  My girls call the precooked rotisserie chicken you can buy at the store fake chicken!  Whatever you call it go buy a fake chicken.

2.  Get a jar of Hellman's Mayonnaise too.

3.  Get back in your car and bring it home.

4.  Go into your house and put it on the counter.

5.  Strip off all of the white meat and dice it into little cubes - I don't care how big.

6.  Eat the dark meat while you "cook".  Most men are little piggies.

7.  Dump the chicken and some Hellman's Mayonnaise in a bowl.

8.  Mix with your hands!  Don't be a pansy and use a spoon - it tastes better with the hands!

9.  Put it on a roll and feed yourself, wife and your kids!  It tastes awesome - that is all there is to it.  My girls don't like any chicken salad except this one.

10.  Leave the dirty bowl for your wife.  It is worth the dirty look!

11.  If you leave the chicken carcass unattended on the counter your dog might eat it and leave only a piece of the wishbone on the floor (Holly is going to be part chicken someday!).


Iron Chef Eric

Click This Picture For A Cool Dad Gift!  Beer Can Chicken!

We Have A New Web Address. Presenting


I decided to buy a web name since I know that Wacky Dad is going to become the biggest Dad site on the whole web!  I figured I would splurge and pay the $.80 cents a month it was going to cost for me to own a web name.  Nothing is going to change accept the web address!  If you are a follower you might want to change the address so you don't miss any of my stuff!  I am still the same old Eric so don't worry.  Also I thought since my father is a contributor (although I haven't seen his lazy butt on here lately) it would be appropriate to have a domain name called  Hope you all like the change!  If you don't too bad....


Monday, December 20, 2010


Brussel Sprouts That Don't Taste Like Dirt

Ok, most of us guys are not the greatest of cooks.  No surprise there right?  Well here is an easy recipe that most of us can handle.  The credit for this recipe goes to my friend Diane who is an awesome cook and taught me how to make these!  This dish goes well with a store bought chicken or some other mindless entree that dads like to serve.  The thing is it adds some nutrition and even the kids like it (at least mine do).  Ok here goes.


*First preheat the oven to 425 degrees

1.  Get a thing of brussel sprouts - don't wash them it screws it up.
2.  Cut all of the little stems off.
3.  Cut each little brussel sprout in half.
4.  Throw them in a bowl
5.  Pour on some oil of some sort - not 10W40 
6.  Add crushed garlic or garlic powder
7.  Add some salt - don't ask me how much just don't screw up.
8.  Mix it all up with your hands.  Don't be a pansy, keep using your hands!
9.  Put all of the little half sprouts face down on an aluminum foil covered cookie sheet and put them in the oven.
10.  Cook for 18 minutes - let them cool off for a couple of minutes.
11.  Eat the little suckers - they are good I promise!  Your wife might think you are semi literate and not as dumb as she thought (we can fool them sometimes)!
12.  Throw away the foil and throw the pan in the cabinet while your wife isn't looking.  The foil keeps it clean.  What she doesn't know won't kill her! 

After - Mine actually look better but I am not taking pictures of brussel sprouts for you!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Santa Wants Pepperoni and Beer!

Don't bother leaving Santa any stinking milk and cookies!  You know how tired he is of that crap?  I'll tell you what I grew up leaving Santa my whole life and now my kids follow this tradition too!  Instead of cookies we leave sliced up pepperoni!  Instead of milk we leave a cold beer.

This has pleased Santa over the years and the dividends have been in large quantities of gifts for the Costantino girls.  The one thing that Santa has written a couple of times is that Rudolph got into the pepperoni and that riding behind him for the rest of the night was pretty tough when he became a bit flatulent!  So what do you have to lose - go a little crazy with Santa this year and leave him something a little bit different, spare the old geezer the damn milk and cookies!  

Saturday, December 18, 2010


We had a great day today celebrating the Christmas holiday.  We spent the afternoon with family and spent the night with my good friends and Karen Petty's family celebrating in our own fashion.  It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this time of year and to turn it into a hectic nightmare.  Today I was able to take a step back and really look at how much I have to be thankful for.
Karen Petty - Always the life of the party!

I am glad to have such great family and friends and I love you all!  I also realized tonight in a moment of quiet reflection how much I miss the presence of my friend Karen Petty who we lost to Pancreatic Cancer this year.  It only strengthens my resolve to beat the disease into oblivion.  Together with all of Karen's great family and friends I know we can make this disease a memory.  Look to this blog in the coming days for a plan of action for the demise of Pancreatic Cancer!  We will win, but we have to fight like dogs!

First Day Of Sledding!

We spent a couple of hours grooming and then sledding this morning!  Fun for all! 



Friday, December 17, 2010

Read This Article To Find Out Who Blazed the Trail For Home Snowmaking!

D.I.Y. Snow; Backyard Ski Resort

D.I.Y. Snow
By Gregg Blanchard of Second Nature Snowmaking
Published November 2006

Spot the difference? Getting one over on the Jones'

Few if any snow riders have failed to notice the many snowmaking machines that line the trails of their favorite ski area. When snowmaking was first introduced more than fifty years ago, it was as much a novelty as it was useful to the trails. As the demand for efficient snowmaking machines increased so did the companies that produced them.  Technology developed, snowmakers became more affordable and ski areas all over the world began to make snow in order to open earlier and help keep high traffic zones covered. Now snowmaking begins in October at many resorts and continues till spring in order to provide seasons that stretch over six or more months!
When snowboarding burst on the winter sports scene, snowmaking adopted a new role.  Terrain parks demanded huge amounts of snow, and snowmakers were moved from high traffic areas to the parks in order to build half pipes and kickers. Soon entire resorts were dedicated solely to jumps and jibs and snowmaking became even more essential. Most years Bear Mountain California, Killington Vermont, and many others open trails which are covered almost exclusively by man made snow.
But snowboarding fashion changes and within a few years pre-season riders went from building kickers to sliding rails. Most terrain parks filled in the space along the sides of the tabletops with fun boxes, and snowboarding films began to show more jib shots than jump shots.

An extremely localized snow storm

Since riding a rail took a lot less snow than making a jump, snowboarders began to construct rails anywhere that had snow. Even if the local hill got just a few inches it was more than enough to set up a rail on. However, one frustrating problem kept coming up: there wasn’t always snow, even in the dead of winter! This held especially true in many areas in the Midwestern and Eastern parts of the United States where, despite the bitter cold of winter, snow just never seemed to fall. All at once snowmaking took on a whole new face as it moved from the huge ski resorts to the back yard.
Two of the first recorded home snowmakers were the Herishko brothers in New York. Setting up base on a small “mountain” on their family’s farm, they began making snow on a much smaller scale than was ever imagined by their neighbors at Hunter Mountain. Polar Peak, as they called it, was even equipped with a rope tow which transformed their mountain into a private ski area. This was only the first step in home snowmaking though because in their snowy footsteps followed Eric and Leo Constantino whose small scale home snowmaker gave them a white thanksgiving and eventually a white Christmas, which left their snow-less neighbors drooling.
Just like snowmaking at the resorts, for the most part, home snowmaking was first used as a novelty. Families would fill their yards with snow just so they could make snowmen and have their Christmas holidays white instead of brown. However, the desire of snowboarders to be able to jib and jump as much as possible, blended with the up and coming home snowmaking scene led to the birth of the backyard terrain park.
So how do you actually make snow? Let’s cover some basics; though the process is artificial, the product is real snow, plain and simple. Compressed air is used to break apart water into extremely small particles, and then as the air expands it cools the water and freezes those tiny drops to form snow. It needs to be below 28F (-2C) outside in order to make snow, which is common for many parts of the United States during the winter. Commercial ski resorts use many thousands of cubic feet of compressed air every minute, but most home snowmakers will use only about 7 or 8 cubic feet of air every minute, which is more than enough to cover an entire yard with snow in a matter of hours.

A home snow gun doin’ its thang

A simple ramp made from picnic tables, old planks, or even the stairs coming down off the deck in the backyard become a perfect run-in for a rail, box, or wall-ride. With a good snowgun at your side you can cover the ramp with many inches of snow in just hours!
Man made snow actually lasts longer than Mother Nature’s, because it is denser, so it will stick around even when it warms up during the day. Also, when it does begin to melt, the run-off will tend to drain through the snow instead of turning the whole thing to unrideable slush like natural snow ends up on hot days.
Just picture it; it’s early November, the local hill hasn’t opened yet and won’t make snow despite a big cold front coming in because two days later it will be back up in the 60s (15C). The low temperature is going to be 25F (-4C) according to the local weatherman. You wait anxiously by the thermometer as it slowly drops past 30F (-1C), past 28F (-2C), and finally at 27F (-3C) you fire up your snowgun on a small hill in your back yard.

INSTRUCTIONS: Insert rail at bottom of ramp for all day fun

A couple of hours later you have a few inches on your hill and you setup a small box as you let the snowgun continue to blow out snow. You and your buddies slide the box all morning and through the day and then make more snow the next night so by the time its all said and done you have a foot of snow all over the hill and you slide your rails for days after.
Home snowmaking has become the perfect way for snowboarders all over the world to live the “board at home” dream. Instead of wondering why the snow isn’t falling despite the fact that it’s freezing outside, you can simply say, “Forget Mother Nature, I am taking control!” So grab your air compressors, grab your boards and snow skates and let’s make some snow!
For more information on how to guarantee a white Christmas, check out Gregg Blanchard’s snow making company Second Nature Snowmaking.

Thursday, December 16, 2010



This looks a lot like my neighbors unit.
All right folks game on!  My neighbor has a snow maker!  This morning I saw more ice then snow but it appears now that he has the thing working pretty well!  He is using a different type of gun.  One of the pressure washer types that are popular on the internet.  He also has a really cool light display down there.  Naturally in my sick mind this has become a competition of sorts (it's always a race in my book!).  I spent 3 hours outside tonight firing up a second gun that I don't normally use.  It takes a lot of fine tuning to get 2 running especially in this warmer weather we have tonight!  I think I have them up and running well now and hope to show some video of the results in the morning!  I took some video of my latest pile of snow this morning and also took some footage of the neighbors house.  If my neighbor happens to see this post let the best snow maker win!  Also check out this blog article where the Costantino's actually get mentioned as one of the first home snow maker's in the country - if not the world.  Cool stuff!  


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here Ya Go Meathead

Dumb Eric Story # 2 - Written by Leo

As you can see from story #1 Eric has always had a fascination with fire.

When he was young, around 7 or so, his middle daughter's age, we had a typical BBQ in the back yard. In those days there were no gas grills so a BBQ meant real charcoal.

Well, he wasn't about to let a good charcoal fire go to waste so he got himself a nice stick and proceeded to light the tip on fire. He'd love to go running around the yard trying to set fire to just about anything that he thought might be flammable. When he couldn't get anything to stay lit he got bored and decided that he'd rededicate his efforts to trying to melt anything that might melt. Plastic of course fell well into this category.

So he finds an old 1 gallon plastic antifreeze jug and goes at it with the lit stick. Well, that would be great and there wouldn't be much of a story here if that was it. There's always a "BUT".

But, this particular antifreeze container was one that I used for gasoline to run the power lawnmower.

Well, as fire will do it eventually did melt a hole through the container. From in the house Cheryl and I hear this huge WOOOOOSSSSHHH!

Rushing to the window, there is this young meathead quite on fire rolling all over the ground trying to extinguish himself.

By the time we got outside his "Stop Drop and Roll" technique worked quite effectively and the rest of the fire had burned itself out on the lawn.

The flames never did reach his skin so there were no burns to deal with. There must be a meathead god that watches over him.

He was pretty shaken up, but otherwise, non the worse for it.

It obviously never quenched his love for the orange flame as there are more still more fire stories to tell.

Hmm, then there's the time when he was about a year old, he pulled a lamp cord out it's receptacle just far enough to drop a penny between it and the outlet. Oh Man that was ugly.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Something that has become a tradition in my household is a phenomenon called the "DUMB ERIC STORY".  The phrase sort of speaks for itself but a "Dumb Eric Story" is simply something that I have done that is above average on the moron scale!  This is a favorite dinner time event that my daughters really love.  Of course I do have quite a bit of material to work with being the meat head that I am.  My girls will often yelp "Dad we want to hear a Dumb Eric Story - PLEASE!" They love it.  Good laughs!
Dumb Dad Himself!
It has gotten to the point where the kids that they go to school with and ride the bus with all know Dumb Eric stories too!  Kids I don't even know will come over to hang out & play (I hate the "play date" phrase so I will never use it on this blog!  Those who do will be chastised - beware moms!) and mention one of these stories that my little knucklehead kids have shared with them.  Nice to be so famous!  So every now and then I am going to bless the 3 blog readers that I have amassed with a "Dumb Eric Story" to make my daughters publicizing of my idiocy a bit easier!  Some of these stories are from when I was a kid and some as an adult.  Some might argue that I have not found the divide between those 2 stages!  Ok enough bull here is the first Dumb Eric Story.  Hmmmm which one to pick...Ok here goes.

#1 Dumb Eric Story -  Anyone who knows me know that I love to tinker with things.  Doesn't matter what really.  If it can be taken apart and put back together I have probably tried!  When I was a kid my father, who you have all come across on this blog by now, had a workshop set up in the basement, since we didn't have a garage.  This was a messy place with any manner of stuff in there to get in trouble with - I loved it in there. Dad had all kinds of solvents 
The good stuff!
down there in the workshop that were fun to fool around with too.  When Dad was out one day I discovered through some experimentation that some of these solvents were considerably more fun than the run of the mill type stuff.  I collaborated with a couple of friends who had access to these awesome elixirs as well and we each brought a glass jar full of the stuff to the bus stop one morning.
I would say that between the three of use we had around a 1/2 gallon of mixed up concoctions that we had skillfully composed!  The plan was that when we heard the bus coming from behind the corner we would light a small amount of this stuff on the road and then smash the three glass jars before the bus turned the corner.  All went to plan -  we heard the bus coming, we lit a small puddle and each smashed a jar down in unison when the bus turned the corner.  The effect was dramatic.
This looks a lot like our explosion
It created an instant 10'-15' wall of flames singing our hair instantly. We all stood innocently as the bus pulled around the corner and screeched on the brakes!  I still remember the look of surprise on the drivers face, mouth hanging open with awe.  I think she must have been impressed with our ingenuity because somehow we never got even a slap on the wrist for it.  Gotta love West Warwick!  This is one of my daughters favorites!  Hope you like it too.  Damn I have the urge to grab some right now and do a reenactment right out in front of the house!  Fun!  **Warning if you have boys it may not be prudent to share stories such as these as they are extremely fun and irresistible projects and your boys might blow themselves up.  It's up to you.  Personally I think you haven't lived until you've blown yourself up at least a couple of times!  That is a story for another time!


Wacky Dad

Monday, December 13, 2010

Man Versus Dog!

Well I am too tired to go crazy with posts tonight so I decided to show you a video of one of my favorite pastimes.  This is man versus dog! 
I usually win but tonight she was pretty darn feisty.  Just so everyone knows she is not at all mean.  I have to torment the hell out of her to make her do this.  Fun!  I've been doing this to dogs since I was a kid.  Enjoy my stupidity!

Saturday, December 11, 2010



Thank you to everyone that turned out today for the Kids Walk for Wounded Warriors!  We had an estimated 100 adults and children turn out for the event and have raised an incredible $2,200 for the Wounded Warrior Project as of now, and are hoping that donations continue to come in!  Thank you to my father Leo Costantino and my father-in-law Jack Colby for making their heartfelt comments before the walk.

Also thank you to Gunny Legault for lining up the hot cocoa (Donated by AJ's Restaurant of West Warwick)  for the event and for providing my girls with the beautiful Wounded Warrior Project t-shirts!  Semper Fi Marine!  Also a big thank you to Russell Morin Fine Catering for donating the delicious pastry for breakfast.  Boy Scout Troop 39 Summit's support was unbelievable with a showing of at least 30 people!

I really need to thank Abby & Ailey for their hard work and determination in bringing this event to fruition.  They are great kids and a father could not be more proud.  Abigail made a better speech than I could have at the event!  Both girls pushed the event hard at school bringing a number of their classmates and families to the walk.
Abigail even braved the principals office yesterday and did a morning announcement over the intercom to publicize this event.  I would have never had the guts to do this at her age.  I know you girls are going to grow into awesome citizens that care for and support their fellow countrymen and women.  Girls you embody all of the values of the Marine Corps that I love so much.  In my mind you will always be honorary little Marines and I love you both.  If you still want to make a donation you can email me at

Thank You & Semper Fi! ,

Eric Costantino