Monday, December 20, 2010


Brussel Sprouts That Don't Taste Like Dirt

Ok, most of us guys are not the greatest of cooks.  No surprise there right?  Well here is an easy recipe that most of us can handle.  The credit for this recipe goes to my friend Diane who is an awesome cook and taught me how to make these!  This dish goes well with a store bought chicken or some other mindless entree that dads like to serve.  The thing is it adds some nutrition and even the kids like it (at least mine do).  Ok here goes.


*First preheat the oven to 425 degrees

1.  Get a thing of brussel sprouts - don't wash them it screws it up.
2.  Cut all of the little stems off.
3.  Cut each little brussel sprout in half.
4.  Throw them in a bowl
5.  Pour on some oil of some sort - not 10W40 
6.  Add crushed garlic or garlic powder
7.  Add some salt - don't ask me how much just don't screw up.
8.  Mix it all up with your hands.  Don't be a pansy, keep using your hands!
9.  Put all of the little half sprouts face down on an aluminum foil covered cookie sheet and put them in the oven.
10.  Cook for 18 minutes - let them cool off for a couple of minutes.
11.  Eat the little suckers - they are good I promise!  Your wife might think you are semi literate and not as dumb as she thought (we can fool them sometimes)!
12.  Throw away the foil and throw the pan in the cabinet while your wife isn't looking.  The foil keeps it clean.  What she doesn't know won't kill her! 

After - Mine actually look better but I am not taking pictures of brussel sprouts for you!


  1. And that's EXACTLY how it's done, folks.

  2. That is the famous Diane who so kindly shared this recipe after I made an ass of myself drooling while she ate them for lunch in front of me. I got some for being pathetic! Works every time!
