Monday, December 27, 2010

Papa Mario On Heaven - The Hereafter!

The Hight Test
That Papa Loves
My grandfather - known as Papa Mario to me, is 93 years old.  Papa is my mother's father and is definitely the true patriarch of the family.  He is an amazing man.  He still lives alone, still drives, reads without glasses, and can put red wine away with the best of us!  One of the best parts of spending holidays with the family is hearing Papa's stories and opinions on things.  He has lived through so much time that his perspective on things is often worlds away from the way we view things today.  One thing that he has been consistent on through my whole life has been his view on Heaven - or as he calls it the "Hereafter".  Watch this video for a good laugh!

After listening to this for my whole life catching this on video on my new Flip Video camera (thanks Cathy!) was a real treat.  Papa I love you.  You are one funny man!

Your Grandson, 

Eric - AKA Wacky Dad 


  1. Mom and I just watched this and laughed our selves silly. He's a one and only, that's for sure.

  2. I just LOVE that man!!! You have to tell him how much I miss him. To this day, I still remember his first words to me.... "it's nice to meet you - why do you want to do a man's job?" Next time I saw him, he was sitting in the corner of the living room, in near darkness, reading the newspaper WITHOUT glasses! No way I was going to mess with him! :)

  3. He is definitely a character. I have some more Papa Mario material so keep checking in!

  4. Wow, he's 93!? I wouldn't have batted an eye if you said he was 73! Amazing! It's so great that you have his words of wisdom on film. :-) I love the contrast of the little girl all excited about her doll in the background!

  5. Thanks Jane. Papa Mario is a treasure in so many ways! His ability to make us all split our sides laughing at age 93 is just so fun! He hasn't changed a bit his whole life - always the same Papa! My daughter had just opened up an American Girl Doll as Papa was detailing the hereafter! Quite a contrast! Thanks for the comment!
