Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Something that has become a tradition in my household is a phenomenon called the "DUMB ERIC STORY".  The phrase sort of speaks for itself but a "Dumb Eric Story" is simply something that I have done that is above average on the moron scale!  This is a favorite dinner time event that my daughters really love.  Of course I do have quite a bit of material to work with being the meat head that I am.  My girls will often yelp "Dad we want to hear a Dumb Eric Story - PLEASE!" They love it.  Good laughs!
Dumb Dad Himself!
It has gotten to the point where the kids that they go to school with and ride the bus with all know Dumb Eric stories too!  Kids I don't even know will come over to hang out & play (I hate the "play date" phrase so I will never use it on this blog!  Those who do will be chastised - beware moms!) and mention one of these stories that my little knucklehead kids have shared with them.  Nice to be so famous!  So every now and then I am going to bless the 3 blog readers that I have amassed with a "Dumb Eric Story" to make my daughters publicizing of my idiocy a bit easier!  Some of these stories are from when I was a kid and some as an adult.  Some might argue that I have not found the divide between those 2 stages!  Ok enough bull here is the first Dumb Eric Story.  Hmmmm which one to pick...Ok here goes.

#1 Dumb Eric Story -  Anyone who knows me know that I love to tinker with things.  Doesn't matter what really.  If it can be taken apart and put back together I have probably tried!  When I was a kid my father, who you have all come across on this blog by now, had a workshop set up in the basement, since we didn't have a garage.  This was a messy place with any manner of stuff in there to get in trouble with - I loved it in there. Dad had all kinds of solvents 
The good stuff!
down there in the workshop that were fun to fool around with too.  When Dad was out one day I discovered through some experimentation that some of these solvents were considerably more fun than the run of the mill type stuff.  I collaborated with a couple of friends who had access to these awesome elixirs as well and we each brought a glass jar full of the stuff to the bus stop one morning.
I would say that between the three of use we had around a 1/2 gallon of mixed up concoctions that we had skillfully composed!  The plan was that when we heard the bus coming from behind the corner we would light a small amount of this stuff on the road and then smash the three glass jars before the bus turned the corner.  All went to plan -  we heard the bus coming, we lit a small puddle and each smashed a jar down in unison when the bus turned the corner.  The effect was dramatic.
This looks a lot like our explosion
It created an instant 10'-15' wall of flames singing our hair instantly. We all stood innocently as the bus pulled around the corner and screeched on the brakes!  I still remember the look of surprise on the drivers face, mouth hanging open with awe.  I think she must have been impressed with our ingenuity because somehow we never got even a slap on the wrist for it.  Gotta love West Warwick!  This is one of my daughters favorites!  Hope you like it too.  Damn I have the urge to grab some right now and do a reenactment right out in front of the house!  Fun!  **Warning if you have boys it may not be prudent to share stories such as these as they are extremely fun and irresistible projects and your boys might blow themselves up.  It's up to you.  Personally I think you haven't lived until you've blown yourself up at least a couple of times!  That is a story for another time!


Wacky Dad


  1. Oh No,

    There are so many of these I can't quite decide on which one to tell first. The "fire at the bus stop" one is a classic though. I'll let this story settle in for today and tell another beauty on Thursday.

    I'll give you a hint though, it's another "arson" story.

    You've always had such an affinity to fire and explosives.

    I'm just worried that this thread will lead to "Dumb Leo Stories" though. Not that there are any of those.

  2. I just thought about something. Yesterday on the Today show they showed a clip of some kids that built a snowman in the middle of the road and a school bus driver got fired because he mowed it down. Can you imagine what would happen if you pulled that crazy stunt today?

    We sure live in different times.

    Another real favorite of yours was Methyl Ethel Keytone (MEK) too.

  3. Good point! What did they want the bus driver to do take a detour? Foolish!
