Sunday, October 16, 2011

When Your Little Girl Grows Up

My Abby!
Man, I'll tell you, the last 11 years have flown by since my daughter Abigail was born.  Something struck me tonight as I was lying with her at bedtime talking and reading, the way I have for almost every night for the last 11 years, that this nightly routine's days are numbered.  Sometime soon she'll be kicking me to the curb and doing whatever it is that teenager's do.  I'm glad it was dark in the room when I had this epiphany, because as this fact dawned on me, my eyes actually teared up.  Maybe I am a dimwit, but this fact of life has never really struck me until tonight.  I am lucky to share a close relationship with all of my daughters, and Abby and I have always had a special bond with each other.  I remember fishing with Abby when she was just a baby, she was just happy to be along.  We used to take long walks in the woods together, Abby on my back in a backpack carrier.  She used to fall asleep right on my back and her cheek used to bounce on my shoulder as she slept.  Whatever we do together we just thoroughly enjoy.  The other day we had a father/daughter day out. We went wild mushrooming (we got 4 nice hen of the woods by the way) and we had a special lunch at a hibachi grille.  I just loved watching her smile as she watched the chef cook in front of us.  We just love each other.  I am pretty proud to say that when Abby has something on her mind she is just as likely to bounce it off her old dad as she is her mom.  Maybe that isn't as rare as I think, but it sure makes me feel needed and loved.  She says to me all of the time "you're the best dad in the world" or "you're cool".  She is my biggest fan.  The feeling is mutual.  I can't be any more proud of my "little girl".  I think one good thing about having three daughters from the ages of 3 to 11 is the fact that I will be slowly weaned off my children.  I guess it's good.  Or will it prolong the agony?  Perhaps I will grow with time, but right now the thought of not having my girls around me makes my insides ache.  I know fathers that have lived through it, but I wonder if they feel such a loss.  I have never asked them.  I guess I should be glad that I have such a strong father/daughter bond with Abby,  but I sure will rue the day when she ain't my little girl any more.  It is a selfish thought, but if I could stop the clock and keep my kids like they are right now I'd do it in a heartbeat.  Abigail, to you I say "you're the best daughter in the whole world", and "you're cool".  In my mind you will always be my little girl.


Your Wacky Daddy    


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