Saturday, April 23, 2011

Green Lantern Toys - Wacky Review!

Green Lantern Action Figure
I was recently asked to review the new Green Lantern Colossal Cannon and Green lantern action figure for Mattel Toys.  I guess they have realized that I am still a big kid!  The only problem with this review was that I they wanted the review to be done by boys.  I had an elaborate plan to dress my girls up like boys and sneak it through that way.  My wife had the more grounded idea of just inviting boys over to play.  Damn she is smart!

Owen, Ainsley, and Mia with the Cannon
We ended up inviting some good friends over to play with the toys and it went incredibly well.  I was a little skeptical.  After being a father of girls for almost 11 years I have kind of forgotten the way that boys love playing with action figures, and the pretend weapons of their action figure heroes.  When Owen opened these toys up he was totally into it.  He carried the action figure around with him, wore the ring and "zapped" us all with it several times!
Green Lantern Colossal Cannon
Ainsley plying her trade!
The biggest hit was definitely the Colossal Cannon though.  This baby has universal appeal!  As you will see in the video even the moms and dads loved the cannon.  It must be cursed to only work for kids though, since I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it, while the kids nailed everything they shot at.  I think the biggest hit was setting up a shooting gallery of cans and plastic bottles and the kids would lay down in front of it sniper style and try to plink out each bottle.  Ainsley was incredible - she has a future as a U.S. Marine Sniper or a super hero or something (don't tell her mom Michelle I said so!). 

Owen nails a can with the cannon!
It really is fun though.  You're able to preload 10 little half dollar sized discs into the gun and it sends them winging out frisbee still into the air.  It also lights up and flashes and makes gun noises.  What could be better than that?  This thing is reminiscent of a real gun that I used to fire while in the Marine Corps called the Gau-17.  6 Barrels and 2000-4000 rounds a minute.  Now that was fun!  This little toy definitely brought back some of those old memories though!  I tested out the pain factor of these little discs hitting you and you barely even feel it.  Actually I tested it on my wife Cathy instead of myself just to make sure it didn't hurt! 
I finally hit a couple!
Wacky Dad rates these toys with 2 thumbs up.  Although Mattel recommends these toys for 3-11 year olds I believe that they are just fine for 30-90 year olds too!  Get a couple of these things and you'll have a blast!  Take a few minutes to watch the video I took and you'll see just how much the kids really enjoyed these toys. 

They probably played for a good 2 hours and only stopped because it got dark out and was time for bed!  Nice job Mattel.  These are good old fashioned type toys that encouraged a lot of running, exercise, and plain old kid play.  Keep up the good work!
“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of Mattel and received Green Lantern toys to facilitate my review and a gift code to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


Wacky Dad


  1. Ryan would love that...he falls asleep with his action figures every night...he is so different than my girls

  2. Dawn it really is a fun toy. Michelle said her kids are still playing with it.
