Thursday, July 25, 2013

5 Eternal Truths Of Parenting 3 Daughters

1. Poop stinks. There just ain't no doubt about it. Little, big, short, tall, wide, skinny, it's all poop.  The days you stop wiping asses is one of the finest days of your life -  bar none.

2. All "boy" friends are evil. They are the devil incarnate. Their sole purpose in life is to give me acid reflux. That specific indigestion makes me want to castrate them. Hey boys, if your reading by chance... I will kill you if you screw up.

3. Having four women in my house is a free ticket to saintdom. Men,  If you qualify, I'll have a cold beer waiting for you.

4. Math homework sucks. Unequivocally sucks. Even thinking about it makes me want to yuke.

5. Brushing your 5 year old daughters hair is bound to shorten your life by 30 days every time you attempt it. Every time. I'm down about 18 years by now. My to ticket to saintdom is coming soon!

All kidding aside, I just couldn't live without all of my beautiful girls. I love you all!

Loving Dad Hood!

Wacky Dad


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