Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wacky Tax Plan - Exercise Watts = Tax Dollars Saved

Ok, you might all think I'm crazy but here is what I came up with while riding my bike yesterday.  In this day and age of more "universal" health care, I thought that this might be a really good idea.  We all know that there is a corresponding decrease in health issues with a proportional increase in exercise.  Here is my thought.  We should be given a tax break based on the amount of watts we create in a gym or on our own accord.  The government could provide watt meters for those who want to participate in the program.  The more watts you create, the more tax dollars you save.  I am sure it would be an easy matter to find the correlation between the amount of health care savings an individual would earn based on his/her watt output at the gym, running, etc.
Watts For Dollars!
Is this not genius?  It would reward folks for working to keep their bodies in great shape, thus lowering their need for health care.  Wouldn't this make the idea of universal health care more palatable, while encouraging the populace to maintain themselves physically?  It is a win-win.  Also national productivity would increase due to the beneficial effects of exercise on the the economy of an employee.  I really think this is a simple but effective way to solve many problems our country faces.  Stress levels would decrease, depression levels would decline, obesity would decrease, the benefits of a program like this would be countless.  The watt meters could be built and distributed by the unemployed, thus giving them a new skill and keeping them gainfully employed until they were able to find jobs.  I'd love your opinions on this idea.  Does this have any merit or am I losing my mind?  Please comment to give me your thoughts.


Wacky Dad   


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