Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Sweet New "Old" Scooter Needs a Name!

Ok everyone, you have to check this out!  This sweet little 1984 Honda Spree has 154 miles on it, spent it's life in an old guys basement, and is now mine!  It took a bit of tinkering to get the severely varnished carburetor and gas tank cleaned up and operational, but now this baby "runs brand new"!  She now purrs like a kitten!
I have always wanted a moped for tooling around town.  Plus the fact that I use way less gas to run to the local market makes my cheap heart skip a beat.  You have to see my big, dumb ass on this thing.  I already had a road rage incident with a meathead in a van that seemed to think I didn't belong on the road  on a 2 horsepower scooter.  He got the bird for his efforts, and if I could have gotten him to stop I would have given him much more!

We gotta come up with a name for this little cutie since our girls love our cars to have names too ( a fun game they started with their Papa Jack and Grandma Suzanne, who are both killer creative at coming up with car names.)  I thought I would reach out to see if any of you had any ideas.  I consider it a "she" so keep that in mind.  Also she is white in color and is a one seater.

Please share your creative name ideas in my comments section.  My kids will choose the best name and we will announce the "Moped Title" by Monday 8/1/11
Your prize - The privilege of knowing just how damn creative you are and also knowing that our family will be using your name choice joyfully for many years to come.  Put your thinking caps on!

Have fun!!!!

Happy trails -

Wacky dad


  1. I am going to go with "Petunia".

  2. I think the kids scooters are also good for the physical fitness of the kids. I am just looking for a kids scooter for my son. Please do share some models for me.
